Fun Movie Quiz - 2
Hi again! Welcome to the second part of our Awesome®, Amazing® and Incredible® Movie Quiz! Oh, don’t worry this one is as much Fun as the last one, but “Fun” just isn’t a flashy enough word for us to use in our PR Sentence. At least that’s what the PR goons told us. Anyway, like last time we hope you will have much fun doing the test. We tried to make this one a bit harder, but you know how it is - once it’s on the Internet it gets solved in 5 minutes, so we aren’t really hoping on holding the fort for too long.

Again it’s a gathering of movie stills, from 30 more of our all time favorites. There are more older movies, but you can find pretty recent ones, too. Most of the titles are American, but there are a few international in there. Just to take you off your game.

You’re even more of a nerd if you solve all of them this time. Seriously, we did try to make it harder. Unfortunately we have some bad news too. We are all out of “Wow we’re impressed” awards. That’s it. We just can’t be impressed anymore this month. Sorry. Check back in March. We could even be funny by March. But don’t count on it.
Take your time, as there is no time limit to the quiz. This is meant to be fun, so if you get frustrated just let it rest for a day and try again. Try solving it by yourself – that’s the way pros do it. Here are some tips:


2. If you’re sure you know the movie , but are uncertain about the spelling go to and check it. If for some reason the script refuses to acknowledge a right answer… well it’s obviously wrong. We’re pretty confident in our spelling. It doesn’t matter if you try in caps or not, it is not case sensitive. (note: We are from Europe. So we’re kind of used to UK titles. So we use them. If some hypothetical movie is called “Puma”, it doesn’t matter if it’s called “The Uber-Sikrit Agent” in the USA, we’ll still call it “Puma”. We’re just like that, stupid and stubborn.)

3. If you’re very, very stuck try finishing the movie quiz with friends . It should be a fun social experience.

4. Don’t use IMDB, other than to check your spelling. It’s cheating and it takes away from the fun.

5. There are some really tricky ones, but most are from a signature scene in the movie . If you can’t recognize the actor , try to remember the scene that the still is from. It should help you.

6. Don’t ask us for the answers, we won’t tell it to you. We’re keeping our secrets to ourselves. Ask your friends. Or that other guy… what was he name, something with G – Guugel or something. Yeah, go ask him.

Good Luck and, more importantly, have fun.

Scoring: 1 – Come on, you can do better; 2-7 – You haven’t seen a lot of movies, besides the high budget ones. There’s more to cinema, you know;
8-19 – Pretty good. You’ve got a good knowledge about movies and have seen a lot. You probably missed most of the tricky ones. No shame in that;
20-29 – You go to the movies a lot, eh? Pretty amazing score, you got some (if not all) of the tricky ones. Amazing job all around. You should be proud;
30 – YOU ARE A MOVIE GOD . And officially eligible for our annual “Wow, we’re impressed” award (No reward, if you didn’t hear the news, we’re all out).
Now send us a mail, so we can praise you some more.
CORRECT ANSWERS: 0 / 30      

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About us:
Reading the small letters, eh? Well, we’re movie fans. And we get bored at work.
We also like Internet tests, and we’ve never seen one quite like this one.
So we decided to make one for fun and giggles.
Who is this “we” you ask? Well that’s state secret. You should know better, than to ask.
Since I’m supposed to add something here… well… Yeah. Err, Hi Mom! What? No. Alright, alright, chill. I’m stopping.

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